Interviews | HackerRank
find total number of view, total number of unique views, total number of submissions and total number of accepted submissions.
- 문제
- Write a query to print the contest_id, hacker_id, name, and the sums of total_submissions, total_accepted_submissions, total_views, and total_unique_views for each contest sorted by contest_id.
- 각 contest의 7가지 항목을 출력하라
- Exclude the contest from the result if all four sums are 0.
- 합이 0인 contest는 제외
- A specific contest can be used to screen candidates at more than one college, but each college only holds 1 screening contest.
- 각 college은 1개의 contest에 참가
- Write a query to print the contest_id, hacker_id, name, and the sums of total_submissions, total_accepted_submissions, total_views, and total_unique_views for each contest sorted by contest_id.
- 풀이
5개의 테이블 관계, 파란색 컬럼들이 select 해야되는 컬럼
1. Contests, Colleges, Challenges 테이블 join
select con.contest_id
, con.hacker_id
, con.name
from contests con
join colleges col
on con.contest_id = col.contest_id
join challenges cha
on col.college_id = cha.college_id;
2. 위의 쿼리와 View_Stats, Submission_Stats 일대다 관계
이 상태로 join하면 challenge_id가 중복된 행만큼 뻥튀기 될 수가 있다
따라서, View_Satats와 Submission_Stats를 challenge_id로 그룹핑하여 일대일 관계가 되도록 한다.
select challenge_id
, sum(total_views) total_views
, sum(total_unique_views) total_unique_views
from View_Stats
group by challenge_id;
select challenge_id
, sum(total_submissions) total_submissions
, sum(total_accepted_submissions) total_accepted_submissions
from Submission_Stats
group by challenge_id;
3. 1과 2 쿼리 left join
select con.contest_id
, con.hacker_id
, con.name
from contests con
join colleges col
on con.contest_id = col.contest_id
join challenges cha
on col.college_id = cha.college_id
left join (
select challenge_id
, sum(total_views) total_views
, sum(total_unique_views) total_unique_views
from View_Stats
group by challenge_id
) v
on cha.challenge_id = v.challenge_id
left join (
select challenge_id
, sum(total_submissions) total_submissions
, sum(total_accepted_submissions) total_accepted_submissions
from Submission_Stats
group by challenge_id
) s
on cha.challenge_id = s.challenge_id
4. 문제에서 contest별 total_submissions, total_accepted_submissions, total_views, total_unique_views의 합을 구하라고 했으므로, 그룹화해서 구하기 + 4개 합이 0인거 제외
select con.contest_id
, con.hacker_id
, con.name
, sum(total_submissions)
, sum(total_accepted_submissions)
, sum(total_views)
, sum(total_unique_views)
from contests con
join colleges col
on con.contest_id = col.contest_id
join challenges cha
on col.college_id = cha.college_id
left join (
select challenge_id
, sum(total_views) total_views
, sum(total_unique_views) total_unique_views
from View_Stats
group by challenge_id
) v
on cha.challenge_id = v.challenge_id
left join (
select challenge_id
, sum(total_submissions) total_submissions
, sum(total_accepted_submissions) total_accepted_submissions
from Submission_Stats
group by challenge_id
) s
on cha.challenge_id = s.challenge_id
group by con.contest_id, con.hacker_id, con.name
having sum(total_submissions) !=0
or sum(total_accepted_submissions) != 0
or sum(total_views) != 0
or sum(total_unique_views) !=0
order by con.contest_id;
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